PhD thesis: Download from here
F. Kayanikhoo, M. ÄŒemeljić, M. Wielgus and W. Kluźniak, Energy dissipation in astrophysical MHD simulations with substructure formation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 4, February 2024, Pages 10151–10167, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad3807
Kayanikhoo, F., Čemeljić, M., Wielgus, M., & Kluźniak, W. (2023a). Energy dissipation in astrophysical
simulations: Results of the orszag-tang test problem -
F. Kayanikhoo, M. Kapusta, M. Čemeljić, L. Zdunik, The maximum mass of the rotating dense stellar cores with strong magnetic fields (In Prep)
D. Abarca, F. Kayanikhoo, K. Parferey, W. Kluźniak, A study of accreting neutron stars at various magnetic field strengths and accretion rates, APJ, 2024
F. Kayanikhoo, C. Providencia, The effect of magnetic field on the structure of strange quark star, Proceedings of RAGtime 20–22: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars; Silesian University in Opava, pp. 121–132 (2020).
F. Kayanikhoo, K. Naficy, G.H. Bordbar, Influence of strong magnetic field on the structural properties of strange quark stars, Eur. Phys. J. A., 56,1 (2020)
G.H. Bordbar, F. Sadeghi, F. Kayanikhoo, A. Poostforush, Calculation of the Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of the Proto-Strange Quark Star, Indian J. Phys, accepted (2019)
G.H. Bordbar, R. Hosseini, F. Kayanikhoo, A. Poostforush, Structure of hot strange quark stars: an NJL model approach at finite temperature, Astrophysics, 62,2 (2019).
F. Kayanikhoo, F. Bahrani, TAKE A LOOK AT THE ANCIENT OBSERVATORIES IN IRAN AND PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE, RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 45, 26 (2014)
G.H. Bordbar, F.Kayanikho and H. Bahri, Structure of spin-polarized strange quark star in the presence of magnetic field at finite temperature, Iran J. Sci. Technola. A, 37 (2013).
G.H. Bordbar, H. Bahri and F.Kayanikhoo, Calculation of the Structure Properties of a Strange Quark Star in the Presence of Strong Magnetic Field Using a Density Dependent Bag Constant, Res. Astron. Astrophys. 12, 9 (2012).